Designing with you in mind.  

Graphic designer specializing in digital and print communication.

The Design Pool

Digital Media Assets
Year: 2020
In collaboration with designers Ralph Kenke and Caelli Jo Brooker, the Rabbit hole team at Western Sydney University and I were tasked with creating the design and developing the branding for an up≠and≠coming digital community for aspiring and emerging creatives. For me, this would include developing the following assets: logo wordwork, website template, an animated logo wordmark, and a visual style guide for the brand.

As a team, our main goal was to successfully set up the brand to seamlessly merge into the competitive design industry. Personally, my intent was to create a sustainable, modern and interactive brand package that the clients could rely on for the next 5≠10 years. This was achieved by working closely with a fellow designer to develop the simple iconography, selecting 1≠2 modern sans≠serifs for the user interface, and utilising a minimal but visually striking colour palette.